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Time & Space Learning is based on a farm site in Northamptonshire UK.

Freestones Farm is a place where you can come and learn amazing stuff in an encouraging and peaceful environment.

Info about T&S



We treated ourselves to a new 3D Printer. Here you can see some counters for a game being printed at 600mm/second.


This project is by an EOTAS student who has some excellent independent learning skills. The counters are part of a dice game station that he's developing using a variety of CAD CAM processes including Laser cutting. The sessions last 1 or two hours and the student makes progress at home in their own time. They have access to a shared dropbox and free CAD software to run on their home computer.


Having explored construction techniques and having designed and built radio controlled aircraft our team will now embark on the BMFA Payload challenges. Join us as we enter this national treasure in which our teams have historically achieved CREST awards and come home with trophies!


Write Your Own Book

Join us as we learn from a seasoned Home Educated expert how to author and publish a creative work on the global stage. This is open to all  - don't worry about writing or speaking - just come with an open mind and your enthusiasm for stories

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